Radek Ševčík (b. 2000, Zlín, Czech Republic) studies documentary directing at the Film and TV Faculty Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Through his poetic films, he strives to communicate important social topics and deep inner feelings as well. He took part in Taiwan Pitch, a film residency in Taipei, where he co-created the short film ‘Inner Need of Karaoke’ for TaiwanPlus. He also participated at the Frontal Shot residency in Northern Portugal, focusing on etnography film. His films were screened at festivals like IDFF Ji.hlava, Kassel Dokfest, Filmschoolfest Munich, Shorts Mexico, International Film Schools Festival Uruguay or several queer festivals in Europe, Asia and North America. He also did short documentary film about Slovak curriculum reform, which premiered at public television RTVS. He occasionally contributes to the film web 25fps.cz or creates an intermedia installations.